Thursday, February 18, 2010

How To Remove Salt Stains On Emu Boots How To Remove Stuck-on Burnt Stains And Mineral Deposits From Enamel Pots?

How to remove stuck-on burnt stains and mineral deposits from enamel pots? - how to remove salt stains on emu boots

Press the deposits of mineral water.

I tried again and again with a spoon and a paper towel wet scraped, but not remove everything.

I boiled salt water in the pot, in the hope that salt cake glue stains, but it prevents the surface of the bubble adhesion effect.

Has anyone a better way?


PuppyLuvR 03 said...

I smeared the best way to clean, frying pans with these problems and with kosher salt and either white vinegar or lemon juice and a little cooking water and scrub with a nylon (no abrasives) RAG. I found Trader Joe's for the best. If this is your not the work of the alternative is to use a cleanser such as Bon Ami or Bar Keeper's Friend with a nylon scrubber, since both use non-abrasive cleaning powder.

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